Future Plans:
To gather and share knowledge on Emerging and Re-emerging infectious diseases in South Asian
countries especially Nepal.
- To welcome members from all sphere to engage in scientific dialogue
- To encourage innovative ideas and discussion on them
- To keep up with literature
- To improve critical thinking
- To demonstrate continuing educationt
- To promote evidence –based practice
- To promote social contact
Blog Members:
Blog membership
will run on a voluntary basis.
Roles and Responsibilities:
most important criterion for this blog membership is a deep interest in
research discussion, so as to nurture the purpose of this blog.
- Sets the ground rules for this blog
- Makes sure blog posts are timely
- Coordinates to bring relevant science agenda for posting
- Promotes this blog through social media
The post for this blog will be published from now onwards once in a week.
- Twitter
- Facebook
- Linkedin
Future Plans:
Connect + Connect + Connect = continuity = visibility