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Sep 7, 2013

Re definining the purpose of this blog: Concept paper


To gather and share knowledge on Emerging and Re-emerging infectious diseases in South Asian
countries especially Nepal.
  • To welcome members from all sphere to engage in scientific dialogue
  • To encourage innovative ideas and discussion on them
  • To keep up with literature
  • To improve critical thinking
  • To demonstrate continuing educationt
  • To promote evidence –based practice
  • To promote social contact
Blog Members:
Blog membership will run on a voluntary basis.
Roles and Responsibilities:
The most important criterion for this blog membership is a deep interest in research discussion, so as to nurture the purpose of this blog.
  • Sets the ground rules for this blog
  • Makes sure blog posts are timely
  • Coordinates to bring relevant science agenda for posting
  • Promotes this blog through social media

The post for this blog will be published from now onwards once in a week.

  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • Linkedin

Future Plans:
Connect + Connect + Connect = continuity = visibility

Sep 6, 2013

John D Clemens and his thoughts on Female Health Community Voluteers

During my almost 5 years of surveillance medical officer (SMO) experience, I travelled to > 60 districts out of 75 distrcts in Nepal, I have observed and found that female community volunteers are the foundation for delivering public health services at the level of family. Without them, I am of the opinion, Nepal would not have achieved success like Bangladesh has, in the field of mother and child's health.

Link for below:

A good article to read:

John D. Clemens
Executive Director, International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh

Article Highlight:

While there are no “magic bullets” that can help developing nations reach MDGs 4 and 5 by 2015, lessons can be learned from Bangladesh’s equity focus, in particular the effective use of young, well-trained, local women to deliver an integrated package of family planning and primary healthcare to their communities.

Sep 5, 2013

Malnutrition in Nepal

Abstract from a paper:

This paper sheds light on infectious diseases and the status of malnutrition in Nepal, a Himalayan country located in South Asia. In spite of efforts by both Government and non-government sectors, infectious diseases are rampant in the countries constituting a major cause of morbidity and mortality, which in turn, impose a socio-economic and public health burden for the country. Intestinal parasitic infection has been implicated in the causation of malnutrition. Malnutrition associated with child mortality is more common among children aged less than five years. Nepalese women suffer from chronic malnutrition. People in rural areas are more affected by malnutrition than those in urban areas. This has been attributed to poverty, lack of education, and rampant infectious diseases.


Sep 3, 2013

Vaccination Myths Vs. reality

A report from CNN - Anderson Cooper 360 degree on recent measles outbreak in a Church, Texas. He talks with CNN Health Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta. I think, this is a lesson all of us have to learn from.

Anuj in Himalayas

Hi i am connecting disqus with my blog for healthy interaction and open dialogue