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Dec 21, 2013

Joint International Tropical Medicine Meeting (JITMM), 11 - 13 Dec, 2013 Bangkok, Thailand

Recently attended Joint International Tropical Medicine Meeting (JITMM) held on 11 - 13 Dec, 2013 in Bangkok, Thailand. This 3 days meeting was attended by infectious disease researchers all around the world especially from Asian countries. There was also presentation on parasitology, which was an attraction for many delegates with special sessions on malaria & its related issues like Aretemesin Result FP malaria. I presented a poster titled "Cholera in Nepal". Cholera is a public health issue that still hounds rural areas in the country that can be associated with eith man made or natural disaster. My message was primarily that health authorities must emphasize on disease surveillance and timely preventive measures. Please find here the link for abstract book:

Anuj in Himalayas

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